Thursday, November 1, 2007

What makes a good sales guy!!

I will keep adding to this post as and when i gather more experience

Persistence said Mr. Mohandas Pai...... And he couldn't be more spot on! Every day is going to be a challenge and you would get ample number of days when you'd be left twiddling your thumbs all day for want of progress. The ability to hear a no and still not give up and keep trying is not easy. It takes a lot of effort to hear no after no after no and believe that you are still doing the right thing! If the shoulder droop or the voice quivers, the gatekeeper will figure it out in no time. So my first experience says.... whatever happens? Don't let it get to you? Come back again next day.. take stock of the situation... n start of afresh. Oh yeah n hope like hell that things work out!!

Coming next is a post on one of the lead generation channels. The DB way of doing it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would simply say to you all “awesome information”.
local business to business